Sunday, March 30, 2014

What I Would do in Case of a Volcano by Hana hubert

If I lived in the area of an erupting volcano, and had no place to go, this is what I would do. I would first attempt to contact someone who was evacuating and see if there was any possibility that I could go with them. If that did not work, I would quickly pack a backpack of food and water, and take the fastest way of transportation available, like a car or bike, and go at top speed away from the volcano, for however many days would be required to escape before the eruption. Hopefully, I would have started on this a week before the eruption, so that I would have a chance to escape.

Being aware of the events where you live is very important. If you don't it can cost you a lot, in this case your life. Knowledge is power. We the Rescue Rangers make it our mission to inform others of whats happening in the world and raise awareness about other's misfortunes. Making an impact and making changes is what we hope to do.

By Hana S. Hubert

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